For the stupid pet trick, I wanted to design a child’s nightlamp that would change into different colors when the child tapped it. Not only that, but I thought it would be fun if the lamp was able to move slowly/have some kind of motion as it shun its light in the night.
Therefore, my nightlight came into fruition with the help of neopixels, a stepper motor, the laser cutter, and the 3D printer.
First I built the base using the laser cutter and acrylic.

I knew I wanted 2 different kinds of neopixel patterns, so there were neopixels strung to the top of the lamp with orbs from the 3D printer.
Then there was the rack and pinion which physically moved the motor after neopixels were attached to it. The motor was attached to an arduino using a motor shield.
Here is the code for the neopixels.
Stepper Motor:
And finally here is the end product. There is a touch potentiometer that allows for the neopixels to change in color.