Following with my assignment from last week which made several shapes vibrate, I wanted to make the letters vibrate for this week’s assignment.
I also wanted to incorporate some human quality into the project so I thought of the vibrating motion as “tickling” and I made the letters “run away” from the mouse which “tickles” them.
import geomerative.*; String text = "Yoon Hee"; float x = 190; float y = 180; void setup() { size(640, 360); background(255); textSize(50); noStroke(); } void draw() { fill(204); rect(0, 0, width, height); fill(0); text("Yoon Hee", x, y); if (mousePressed == true) { x += random(-2, 2); y += random(-2, 2); text("Yoon Hee", x, y); } else { text("Yoon Hee", x, y); } } void mousePressed() { if ((mouseX >= x) && (mouseX <= x+30) && (mouseY >= y-5) && (mouseY <= y)) { x += random(-2, 2); y += random(-2, 2); } }