The Art of Interactive Design Chapter 1 – Response

Perhaps because Interactive Media is still a relatively new programme at NYUAD, a lot of professors and even students are unaware of what IM is – me included. “What exactly is this IM that you are taking?”, asked my ‘Future of Medicine’ professor. “Well, I guess you could say…it’s like…computer science but more hardware?”, I replied. I myself, a current student taking an intro to IM class, did not even know how to explain the subject that I was/am studying. (That’s obviously a fail on my part, so sorry professors if I downplay your subject/discipline, I’m still learning!!) The reading inspired me to create my own definition of IM and right now as it stands, reads: “that sort of media that has digital interactions with people which is basically like when the media interacts with humans by listening, processing and then responding to what was listened and yea…” I’ll need to improve my definition I know, but Crawford told me to make my own definition and that’s mine for now. From now on, I shall work on my explanation of what IM is and hopefully by the end of the semester my definition can improve.

One thought on “The Art of Interactive Design Chapter 1 – Response”

  1. My professor in grad school used to say that if you can explain what interactive telecommunications (media) is, you’re ready to graduate. Still not sure if I can explain…

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