
Disclaimer: The frustrations in the post are overblown for comedic purposes. Also I’m pretty sick and it’s 2:40 am.

For this week’s weekly assignment, the devil haunted me and told me to recreate monopoly. Kids, never listen to the devil. I only started realizing my mistake after it was too late.

So half way through this project that ended up being 350 lines of code by the way, while coding in bed blowing my nose every 5 seconds, I decided to compile a short list of other things I could’ve been doing with my life, and here it is, in no particular order:

  • Work on my social life
  • Work on my paper on the strong force
  • Procrastinate the paper on the strong force
  • Netflix

But, I digress. Perhaps my extreme unwillingness to write the paper on the strong force pushed me to write 350 lines of code for a weekly assignment. Back to the topic at hand:


It’s mehnopoly because it’s like monopoly, but meh. Let’s go ahead and get what this game is missing out of the way first:

  • No jail system, jail currently acts like free parking
  • no houses and hotels
  • it’s limited to two players
  • chance and community chests only have 2 cards, +100 and -100.

You perform actions using the keyboard, and the game will direct you.

anyways, without further ado, Mehnopoly:

and the code that is so messy that god himself has given up on it:

//0 name, 1 type, 2 owner, 3 cost, 4 rent, 5 xcoordinate, 6 ycoordinate
// types: 0 = income tax, 1 = normal, 2 = railroad, 3 = utilities, 4 = community chest and chance, 5 = jail and free parking, 6 = go,7 = supertax
String[][] places = {
  {"Go", "6", "Bank", " ", "-200", "750", "750"}, // 0
  {"Old kent road", "1", "Bank", "60", "6", "660", "750"}, // 1
  {"Community chest", "4", "Bank", " ", "0", "595", "750"}, // 2
  {"White chapel road", "1", "Bank", "60", "6", "530", "750"}, //3
  {"Income tax", "0", "Bank", " ", "200", "465", "750"}, // 4
  {"Kings cross station", "2", "Bank", "200", "25", "400", "750"}, // 5
  {"The angel islington", "1", "Bank", "100", "10", "335", "750"}, // 6
  {"Chance", "4", "Bank", " ", "0", "270", "750"}, // 7
  {"Euston Road", "1", "Bank", "100", "10", "205", "750"}, // 8
  {"Pentonville Road", "1", "Bank", "120", "12", "140", "750"}, // 9
  {"Jail", "5", "Bank", " ", "0", "50", "750"}, // 10
  {"Pall Mall", "1", "Bank", "140", "14", "50", "660"}, // 11
  {"Electric Company", "3", "Bank", "150", "15", "50", "595"}, // 12
  {"Whitehall", "1", "Bank", "140", "14", "50", "530"}, // 13
  {"Northumberland Avenue", "1", "Bank", "160", "16", "50", "465"}, // 14
  {"Marylebone station", "2", "Bank", "200", "25", "50", "400"}, // 15
  {"Bow street", "1", "Bank", "180", "18", "50", "335"}, // 16
  {"Community chest", "4", "Bank", " ", "0", "50", "270"}, // 17
  {"Marlborough street", "1", "Bank", "180", "18", "50", "205"}, // 18
  {"Vine street", "1", "Bank", "200", "20", "50", "130"}, // 19
  {"Free Parking", "5", "Bank", " ", "0", "50", "50"}, // 20
  {"Strand", "1", "Bank", "220", "22", "140", "50"}, // 21
  {"chance", "4", "Bank", " ", "0", "205", "50"}, // 22
  {"Fleet street", "1", "Bank", "220", "22", "270", "50"}, // 23
  {"Trafalgar square", "1", "Bank", "240", "24", "335", "50"}, // 24
  {"Fenchurch st station", "2", "Bank", "200", "25", "400", "50"}, // 25
  {"Leicester square", "1", "Bank", "260", "26", "465", "50"}, // 26
  {"Coventry street", "1", "Bank", "260", "26", "530", "50"}, // 27
  {"Waterworks", "3", "Bank", "150", "15", "595", "50"}, // 28
  {"Piccadilly", "1", "Bank", "280", "28", "660", "50"}, // 29
  {"Jail", "5", "Bank", " ", "0", "750", "50"}, // 30
  {"Regent street", "1", "Bank", "300", "30", "750", "130"}, // 31
  {"Oxford street", "1", "Bank", "300", "30", "750", "205"}, // 32
  {"Community chest", "4", "Bank", " ", "0", "750", "270"}, // 34
  {"Bond street", "1", "Bank", "320", "32", "750", "335"}, // 35
  {"Marylebone station", "2", "Bank", "200", "25", "750", "400"}, // 36
  {"Chance", "4", "Bank", " ", "0", "750", "465"}, // 37
  {"Park lane", "1", "Bank", "350", "32", "750", "530"}, // 38
  {"Supertax", "7", "Bank", " ", "200", "750", "595"}, //39
  {"Mayfair", "1", "Bank", "400", "40", "750", "660"}, //40


boolean allowRoll = true;
int circlesize = 10;
int turn = 0;
int diceroll;
PImage bg;
boolean first = true;

// colors: red or blue
Player p1 = new Player("red", int(places[0][5]), int(places[0][6]), 10);
Player p2 = new Player("blue", int(places[0][5]), int(places[0][6]), -10);

void setup() {
  first = false;
  size(800, 800);
  bg = loadImage("board.jpg");
  text("Welcome to mehnopoly. It's almost monopoly, but seriously lower your expectations.", 20, 50);
  text("The game is for two players. or You can play against yourself if you can't find friends. I dont judge.", 20, 100);
  text("You win by making your opponent go bankrupt. Go nuts!", 20, 150);
  text("Press S to start the game", 20, 200);
  text("Fun Fact: Monopoly was originally created as a statement against capitalism.", 20, 250);

void draw() {
  if (first) {
    fill(255, 127, 0);
    text("Player 1 has "" left", 150, 200);
    text("Player 2 has "" left", 150, 250);
    text("Player 1's turn",150,300);
    text("Press R to roll dice",150,350);
int keycounter = 0;
void keyPressed() {
  if (keycounter == 1) first = true;
  if (keycounter == 2) first = false;
  // Roll dice phase
  if ((key == 'r' || key == 'R')&&allowRoll) {
    allowRoll = false;
    diceroll = rollDice();
    if (turn == 0) {
      if (p1.placecount + diceroll >= 40) {
        p1.placecount = p1.placecount+diceroll - 40; += 200;
      } else {
        p1.placecount+= diceroll;
    } else {
      if (p2.placecount + diceroll >= 40) {
        p2.placecount = p2.placecount+diceroll - 40; += 200;
      } else {
        p2.placecount+= diceroll;
  if ((key == 'b' || key =='B')&& !allowRoll) {
    if (turn == 0) {
    } else {

  if ((key == 'e' || key == 'E')&& !allowRoll) {

  if ((key == 'i' || key == 'I') && allowRoll) {
    fill(255, 127, 0);
    if (turn == 0) { 
      int ycounter = 200;
      for (int i = 0; i<p1.propertyamount; i++, ycounter+=50) {
        text(places[[i]][0], 150, ycounter);
    if (turn == 1) {
      int ycounter = 200;
      for (int i = 0; i<p2.propertyamount; i++, ycounter+=50) {
        text(places[[i]][0], 150, ycounter);


class Player {
  int money, xpos, ypos, rails, utilities, offset, placecount, propertyamount;
  int[] properties = new int[50];
  String col;
  Player (String n, int xp, int yp, int off) {
    col = n;
    placecount = 0;
    money = 1500;
    offset = off;
    xpos = xp;
    ypos = yp;
    rails = 0;
    utilities = 0;
    propertyamount = 0;

  void display() {
    stroke(255, 255, 255);
    if (col == "red")fill(255, 0, 0);
    if (col == "blue")fill(0, 0, 255);
    ellipse(xpos+offset, ypos, circlesize, circlesize);
  void updatePos() {
    xpos = int(places[placecount][5]);
    ypos = int(places[placecount][6]);

int rollDice() {
  return round(random(1, 12));
  //return 7;

void checkLanded(Player x) {
  fill(255, 127, 0);
  text("You rolled "+diceroll+" and landed on: "+places[x.placecount][0], 150, 200);
  if (int(places[x.placecount][1]) == 5 || int(places[x.placecount][1]) == 6)text("Press E to end turn", 150, 250);
  // if income tax
  if (int(places[x.placecount][1]) == 0) {
    fill(255, 127, 0);
    text("You pay 200 for income tax", 150, 250);;
    text("You now have: "+str(" left", 150, 300);
    text("Press E to end turn", 150, 350);

    // if purchasable
  } else if (int(places[x.placecount][1]) == 1 || int(places[x.placecount][1]) == 2 || int(places[x.placecount][1]) == 3) {
    // if owner is bank
    if (places[x.placecount][2] == "Bank") {
      fill(255, 127, 0);
      text("Property isn't owned, what would you like to do?", 150, 250);
      text("Press B to buy for "+places[x.placecount][3]+" or press E to end turn", 150, 300);
      // if owner is not bank
    } else {
      // if it's a normal purchasable
      if (int(places[x.placecount][1]) == 1) {
        if (turn == 0 && places[x.placecount][2] == "Player2")handleRent(p1, p2, int(places[x.placecount][4]));
        if (turn == 1 && places[x.placecount][2] == "Player1")handleRent(p2, p1, int(places[x.placecount][4]));
        // if railroad
      } else if (int(places[x.placecount][1]) == 2) {
        int rent;
        if (turn == 1 && places[x.placecount][2] == "Player1") {
          rent = checkRailRent(p1);
          handleRent(p2, p1, rent);
        } else if (turn == 0 && places[x.placecount][2] == "Player2") {
          rent = checkRailRent(p2);
          handleRent(p1, p2, rent);
        // if utilities
      } else if (int(places[x.placecount][1]) == 3) {
        int rent = 0;
        if (turn == 0 && places[x.placecount][2] == "Player2") {
          if (p2.utilities == 1)rent= 7*diceroll;
          if (p2.utilities == 2)rent= 15*diceroll;
          handleRent(p1, p2, rent);
        } else if (turn == 1 && places[x.placecount][2] == "Player1") {
          if (p1.utilities == 1)rent= 7*diceroll;
          if (p1.utilities == 2)rent= 15*diceroll;
          handleRent(p2, p1, rent);
    // super tax
  } else if (int(places[x.placecount][1]) == 7) {
    fill(255, 127, 0);
    text("You pay 100 for super tax", 150, 250);;
    text("You now have: "+str(" left", 150, 300);
    text("Press E to end turn", 150, 350);
    //community chest and chance
  } else if (int(places[x.placecount][1]) == 4){
    int r = round(random(1,3));
    if (!(r == 2)){
      text("Jeff Bezos felt generous today, he gave you 100!",150,250);
      text("Assuming 1 = $100,000 , this amounts to",150,300);
      text("a whooping 0.0001% of his net worth",150,350);
      text("press E to end turn",150,400); += 100;
    } else {
      text("You did some contractual work on one of",150,250);
      text("Trump's properties! He paid you a 1000!",150,300);
      text("Just kidding, he didn't pay you at all.",150,350);
      text("In fact you paid a 100 for materials.",150,400);
      text("press E to end turn",150,450); -= 100;

void checkWin() {
  if ( < 0) {
    fill(255, 127, 0);
    text("P2 has won", 150, 200);
  if ( < 0) {
    fill(255, 127, 0);
    text("P1 has won", 150, 200);

void endTurn() {
  fill(255, 127, 0);
  text("Player 1 has "" left", 150, 200);
  text("Player 2 has "" left", 150, 250);
  if (turn == 0) {
    fill(255, 127, 0);
    text("Player 1's turn has ended. Player 2's turn", 150, 300);
    turn = 1;
  } else {
    fill(255, 127, 0);
    text("Player 2's turn has ended. Player 1's turn", 150, 300);
    turn = 0;
  text("Press R to roll or I for a list of your properties,", 150, 350);
  allowRoll = true;

void refresh() {
  rect(100, 100,600,600);

void buy(Player x) {
  fill(255, 127, 0);
  if (places[x.placecount][2] == "Bank") { -= int(places[x.placecount][3]);[p1.propertyamount] = x.placecount;
    text(places[x.placecount][0]+" has been purchased", 150, 200);

    if (turn == 0) places[x.placecount][2] = "Player1";
    if (turn == 1) places[x.placecount][2] = "Player2";
    if (int(places[x.placecount][1]) == 2) {
      x.rails += 1;
      text("You now have "+x.rails+" railroads", 150, 250);
      text("Press E to end turn", 150, 300);
    } else if (int(places[x.placecount][1]) == 3) {
      x.utilities += 1;
      text("You now have "+x.utilities+" utilities", 150, 250);
      text("Press E to end turn", 150, 300);
    } else {
      text("Press E to end turn", 150, 250);

int checkRailRent(Player x) {
  if (x.rails == 1) return x.rails*25;
  if (x.rails == 2) return x.rails*25;
  if (x.rails == 3) return 100;
  if (x.rails == 4) return 200;
  return 0;

void handleRent(Player renter, Player rentee, int rent) { -= rent; += rent;
  fill(255, 127, 0);
  text("Property is owned, you have paid "+rent+" in rent", 150, 250);
  text("You have "" left", 150, 300);
  text("Press E to end turn", 150, 350);

and if you, for god knows why, want to play this game, download the files from here:

Note: I haven’t rigorously tested the game, proceed at your own risk .


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