Controller Project: RGB Game

In the world of graphic design . . .

Designers have to constantly work with color values. While it is easy to simply google the R,G,B value of a color, it is a nice skill to recognize what values will output what colors.  I thought this would be a fun concept to explore visually, and so the RGB GAME controller emerged.

For this project, there is an input of 3 numbers, ranging from 0 – 255 as the Red, Green and Blue values. (Meaning 0,0,0 will be black and 255,255,255 will be white.)  I thought it would be a fun way for people to practice visually looking at colors and relating them to a numerical value (such as that used in coding.)

From there, the numbers are inputed through 3 knobs on the box/controller shown below.

(The knobs correspond to the color they edit. )
Inside look at the box as it was being wired and built.

When the game actually begins, the player must turn the knobs in order to try their best to match the color of a randomly drawn rectangle on the screen.  The values of the r,g,b values the user is altering are shown on the screen, along with a timer that counts down from 25 seconds.

Originally, I wanted the randomized rectangle that was shown on the screen to disappear after 5 seconds, and the user still had to match the new rectangle from memory. This feature was discarded after some user testing that determined this would make the game a bit too difficult.

Here is a final product video.

How the code works:

There is a range of numbers ( + or – 25) in which the code is checking to see if the random rectangle matches. There is also the timer which will display a loss if the colors are not matched after 25 seconds; a win will be shown immediately.

Here is the code:

import processing.serial.*;
PFont font; 
Serial myPort;
String[] messages;
int r;
int g;
int b;
boolean complete = false;
int begin; 
int duration = 25;
int time = 25;

int baseRectR = floor(random(0, 255));
int baseRectG = floor(random(0, 255));
int baseRectB = floor(random(0, 255));

void setup () {
  font = createFont("Arial", 40); 

  begin = millis(); 
  String portname=Serial.list()[3];
  myPort = new Serial(this, portname, 9600);
void draw() {
  String vals =r + "  " + g + "  " + b; 
  String valsSet = "This rect was: " + baseRectR + "  " + baseRectG + "  " + baseRectB; 
  String valYours = "Your rect was: " + r + "  " + g + "  " + b; 
//checks if the colors match within a range of 25
  if ( (r-baseRectR <= 25) && (r-baseRectR >= -25) && (g-baseRectG <= 25) && (g-baseRectG >= -25) && (b-baseRectB <= 25) && (b-baseRectB >= -25))
    complete = true;
    font = createFont("Arial", 75); 
    text("YOU HAVE WON :)", 400, height/2);
    font = createFont("Arial", 40); 
    text(valsSet, 800, 800);
    text(valYours, 250, 800);
// if colors do not match after the timer is up == lose
  if (time <=0 && complete == false)
    vals = null;
    text("SORRY HOMIE, BETTER LUCK NEXT TIME :(", 250, height/2);
    font = createFont("Arial", 40); 
    complete = true;
    text(valsSet, 800, 800);
    text(valYours, 250, 800);

//displays end message
  if (complete==false) {
    text(vals, 250, 800);

  if (complete == false) {
    fill(baseRectR, baseRectG, baseRectB);
    rect((1.8*width)/3, height/3, 400, 400);
  fill(r, g, b);
// sets timer
  if ((time > 0) && complete == false) { 
    rect(width/9, height/3, 400, 400);
    time = duration - (millis() - begin)/1000;
    text(time, width/2.07, height/2);
//reads the input
void serialEvent(Serial porty)
  String message = porty.readStringUntil('\n');
  if (message != null) {
    message = trim(message);
    messages = message.split(",");
    r = int(messages[0]);
    g = int(messages[1]);
    b = int(messages[2]);
    //println(messages[0], messages[1], messages[2]);

Overall, I’m super happy with how this turned out! Even the box for the controller ended up looking really cool.

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