Computer Vision for Artists and Designers: Pedagogic Tools and Techniques for Novice Programmers – Response

For me, this reading was actually really interesting and enjoyable to read; not only because it’s relevant to my IM final project, but also because it was interesting to understand the different types of manipulating computer vision algorithms and understanding the different situations in which each type is used.

One idea that struck out to me the most is the idea that “computer vision algorithms can be selected to best negotiate the physical conditions presented by the world, and likewise, physical conditions can be modified to be more easily legible to vision algorithms”. This idea refers to the bidirectional process in which computer vision works – the environment of the “project” and the algorithm itself need to complement each other. In terms of how this idea would apply to my project, it would mean that in addition to having code that looks like it would work, I would have to create a physical condition which would allow the code to work. Especially because the project is interactive, it has to be highly sensitive to changes caused by user action and the only way to do this would be to create an environment that allows the code to run smoothly.

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