Train to Dubai User Testing

We’ve basically finished creating most of the fundamental mechanics behind our game. The things that we still need to work on are: polishing up our level designs, fixing some minor calibration and precision issues, and create an ending story to enhance the entire gaming experience. Through a series of user testings, we’ve identified some issues (listed below):

1. One type of zombie can only be killed when shot on the bottom half;

2.  Our IR computer vision set up works most optimally when the distance between the IR emitter and the receiver is within 1 meter (+/- 20cm). In order to facilitate for a more consistent user experience, I think it would be best if we created some sort of label on the floor to make sure the sensors are not outside of the optimal range.

3.  Insert an instructions page before the game begins.

4. Make the game a bit more challenging by either modifying the number of zombies, the zombies’ movements, or the allotted time. (Or a combination of everything.)

5. When running the game on Ross’s computer, we’ve noticed significant amounts of lag. We will consider running the game on a more powerful computer or even two computers with one responsible for the game and the other responsible for computer vision.

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