Final Project – User Testing

The responses from the users were mainly

Ooh that’s cool!


Oh wait, what did I do?

due to nice bubble columns that came up on the screen when the keys are pressed and the nice bubble that didn’t stop coming when the keys weren’t pressed.

The first user testing was done before things were working quite the way I wanted it to so I made some changes before the second user testing regardless of the feedback from the first user testing, The changes I made before the second user testing were:

  1. To make the display for the notes distinct from one another,
  • Spaced out the x position of each bubble columns.
  • Assigned each notes to a colour.
  1. To make the display more clearly visible
  • Put a white piece of cloth over the piano.

After the second user testing, I took the cloth down and just put it over the piano to see which set up looked better, then settled with not hanging the cloth on the wall as the user testing showed that the user(s) liked that better. Before the second user testing, I wanted to make the colours of each columns to be different and stay different but had failed to do so. When I brought it up with the user after the user testing, he said he likes how the colours of all the columns change to the colour of the new pressed key but I am unsure as to how much the user feedback should count towards the project.

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